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St. Michael's college

This institution was a long cherished dream of His Excellency Rt.Rev. Dr. Michael Arattukulam, the first Bishop of Alleppey. From the time of its very inception in 1967, the college has made its mark in the academic field, in athletics, in National Service Scheme and in arts and cultural activities.

It has a student strength of 1,700 with 62 members on the teaching staff and 47 on the non-teaching staff. The college has had a consistently bright academic record all through the years. The college has distinguished itself in sports and games, one of its former students became even the Captain of the Indian Basketball Team. The performance of the college in cultural activities has been equally impressive.

Currently it offers the following courses.Bachelor of Arts( Economics), Bachelor of science( Physics, Chemistry and Zoology), Master of Arts(Economics)and Bachelor of commerce.Botany, and Zoology), Master of Arts(Economics), Bachelor of commerce and Master of Science(Botany, Zoology, Physics).


St. Michael's college
Mayithara P.O.
Cherthala - 688539
Phone: 0478 - 2822387, Principal -2810387
Fax: 0478 - 2810387
e-mail : [email protected]

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